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Plant wall construction, how to arrange the plant wall to look good

1. How to decorate the wall with plants
1. Measure the specific size of the decoration site and formulate a construction plan.
2. The steel frame keel shape is adopted, the steel frame keel is light, has the characteristics of earthquake resistance and wind resistance, and is more suitable for indoor plant walls.
3. Three-dimensional sealing nails to fix the structural steel frame keel.
4. Brush, apply a layer of paint on the surface, and fix the plant bag.
5. Place the plant bag, after the latex dries, the reinforced plant bag with edge band or angle iron is firmly fixed to the wall. Finally, by planting plants in various soil bags, you can make a particularly sensual plant wall.
2. What is the function of the plant wall
1. It can remove indoor toxic gases and is a good air purifier
2, can make the eyes rest, eliminate eye fatigue.
3. It has the functions of sound insulation, dust removal, light blocking, cooling, and moisturizing the skin.